Friday, August 19, 2011


How Broken Families Break the Bank -- The Fiscal Times -- Liz Peek -- 8/17/2011

According to a study released last fall by the Brookings Institute, the rise in children born out of wedlock is “assuring the persistence of poverty, wasting human potential, and raising government spending.” In its Strengthening Fragile Families study of single-parent households, the Brookings researchers wrote that “the most important conclusion … is that these families play a central role in boosting the nation’s poverty rate and that they and their children contribute disproportionately to many other serious social problems.” 

Should the country be alarmed by these trends? According to Benjamin Scafidi, an economist at Georgia State’s Bunting School of Business, fractured families, divorce and unwed childbearing cost taxpayers at the least $112 billion per year, some $70 billion is in federal outlays, the balance borne at the state and federal level. His work is based on evidence that single-parent households tend to have a higher propensity towards poverty, which boosts spending for food stamps and Medicaid, for instance. He also concludes that young people raised by single parents are more likely to get into trouble, more often developing drug problems or ending up in jail.

Wisconsin Family Action -- Radio commentary

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country -

1 comment:

  1. I struggle to see any solution presented in these so-called facts. The numbers may be right, but is it right to force women to stay in abusive relationships because divorce might require someone to use foodstamps for a period of time? That seems cruel to me.

    Likewise, if women's rights are continually whittled away, aren't social conservatives making the occurrence of unwed childbearing more likely? So you'll protect something until the moment it's born, but then it needs to fend for itself. WWJD?
