President Obama Forgets he signaled a new corruption-free era in Washington. But AFP activists want to remind him of that he wasted taxpayer money on a green jobs scam at Solyndra, gave preferential health care exemptions to his political allies and funded an organization accused of voter fraud.
Regulatory burdens on the American economy.
continues to add thousands of pages of new regulations each year when Americans are already suffering under the crushing burden of overregulation.
businesses are being strangled by red tape and individuals face vast limitations on personal freedom in nearly every aspect of their lives. The Code of Federal Regulations already spans well over 150,000 pages. Small business owners continue to report that government regulatory burdens and red tape are among their top problems. You can’t buy a washing machine or a light bulb without government interference,
The Small Business Administration estimates that the cost to comply with all these rules is $1.75 trillion annually and climbing, more than what Americans pay in individual and corporate income taxes combined. The Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies found that each regulator on the federal payroll destroys 98 private sector jobs and $6.2 million in gross domestic product.
President Obama Forgets that his latest budget proposal added trillions to the national debt.
In February 2011, President Obama proposed a totally unserious budget for the federal government. Instead of tightening Washington’s belt, the President proposed to continue growing federal spending faster than the economy (with spending rising to 24.2 percent of GDP by 2021, far above the 40-year historical average of 20.8 percent) and to add $9.5 trillion to the national debt. This is on top of the $15 trillion in existing debt, which already costs over $200 billion per year just in interest payments! And that doesn’t even include the looming insolvency of Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements when the baby boom generation starts to retire – which the President didn’t bother to address in
President Obama Forgets he said he would never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
As president Obama proposed and passed at least 21 tax hikes. These included a 156 percent increase in the federal cigarette tax, within only 16 days of his administration, a tax that disproportionately affects middle-income Americans.
President Obama Forgets that he said under his new health care law that “if you like your plan you can keep it” and that health care costs would go down.
. . . under a regulation issued by President Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services in 2010, insurance policies are only “grandfathered” into compliance if they meet specific criteria. Plans are not able to raise co-insurance rates, increase co-payments by more than $5, change employer-paid portions, or drop coverage for specific diseases; restrictions that are not present within the language of the bill.
According to a McKinsey survey of more than 1,300 employers, 30 percent anticipate dropping coverage. Additionally, the President’s own Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that 14 million Americans would lose employer-sponsored coverage.
President Obama Forgets he said that his $800 billion stimulus boondoggle would “save or create 3.5 million jobs”[i] and keep unemployment below 8%.[ii] But AFP activists want to remind President Obama that the unemployment rate has never been below 8% during his Presidency and the country has lost 1.7 million jobs on his watch.[iii]
President Obama Forgets that the Constitution Doesn’t Give Him Unlimited Power. But AFP activists want to remind the President that he can’t side-step checks and balances at every turn and impose his own polices at will.
Obama has regularly ignored the Constitution to relentlessly pursue his big-government agenda.
He has repeatedly encouraged his unelected agency bureaucrats to write new laws and policies without authorization from the People’s duly elected representatives in Congress. And most recently, he overturned a hundred years of legal precedent by issuing non-recess appointments while the Senate was not in recess and despite strong objections from Senate Republicans.
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