Saturday, January 28, 2012


What's so bad about Socialism?  EVERYTHING!
Patriot Update -- David Goetsch -- 1/9/2012

How Do You Define Socialism?
Patriot Update -- David Goetsch -- 1/13/2012

Beginnings of American Socialism in Public Education
Patriot Update -- David Goetsch -- 1/19/2012

Socialism's First Casualties
Patriot Update -- David Goetsch -- 1/21/2012

This state-as-god mentality is why socialists willingly submit to centralized government control of not just the economy, but all aspects of their lives—what they should believe, how they should live, and what they should think.  Hence, socialism resembles religion in that it is based on faith—but not in God.  Socialists have faith in the providence of the state.   Adherents of socialism are willingly to give up their liberty and freedom for the security they think an all-powerful nanny state can provide them. It’s a bad bargain.  Invariably, socialism robs individuals of their freedom and liberty without providing the security they seek.  But socialists are nothing if not faithful.  Faith is why they cling so stubbornly to their misguided worldview in spite of socialism’s consistent record of failure.  Liberals like president Obama believe socialism can work simply because they want it to.

14 Reasons Socialism Won't Work in America
Patriot Update -- David Goetsch --   1/25/2012
  • Replaces the family with the state as the central unit in society
  • Undermines the family by redistributing its wealth and indoctrinating its children in government schools
  • Allows legalized theft in the name of redistributing wealth
  • Encourages sloth instead of productivity
  • Rewards irresponsibility, laziness, and poor accountability
  • Encourages self-indulgence instead of self-reliance
  • Encourages finger pointing and shifting of responsibility to others
  • Replaces the self-discipline of delayed gratification with the need for instant gratification
  • Undermines the values that are the foundation of the traditional work ethic (i.e. thrift, diligence, self-reliance, self-discipline, responsibility, accountability, deferred gratification, and hard work) and replaces them with an entitlement mentality
  • Treats those who contribute to the betterment of society the same as those who do not, even when they are capable of doing so
  • Promotes a get-something-for-nothing mentality that undermines the moral character of the individual and society
  • Robs people of initiative, drive, and ambition
  • Undermines the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation, and competitiveness
  • Promotes totalitarianism, thereby undermining freedom and liberty
In a radio broadcast prior to the British general election of 1945, Winston Churchill said this about socialism: “…A socialist policy is abhorrent to the British ideas of freedom.  Socialism is inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and…worship of the state. 

Socialism's Fundamental Flaw That Liberals Simply Ignore
Patriot Update -- David Goetsch -- 1/28/2012

Socialism is a bad idea in a world where the ability to compete in the global arena is so large a factor in determining a nation’s quality of life. 

“According to a recent study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the average working American spends 1,976 hours a year on the job.  The average German works just 1,535—22 percent less.  The Dutch and Norwegians put in even fewer hours.  Even the British do 10 percent less work than their trans-Atlantic cousins.  As revealing as they are, these figures actually understate the extent of European idleness because a larger proportion of Americans work than do their counterparts in Europe.  Unemployment rates in most Northern European countries are also markedly higher than those in the United States.  Then there are the strikes.

While Europeans are idle, workers in Japan, China, India, and Korea are producing. 

How Liberals Use Emotionalism to Advance Their Agenda
2/6/2012 – David L. Goetsch

Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in fantasyland where healthcare and all other necessities are free? But that is the problem.  With the exception of the liberals among us, Americans don’t live in fantasyland.  Where we live, nothing is free.

What emotional liberals conveniently gloss over is that in its own imperfect way, the free-market system results in better healthcare for the poor, the wealthy, and those in the middle—just as it results in better cars, homes, food, and everything else needed by human beings.  This is because the free market provides incentives to be productive while socialism provides no such incentives—in fact just the opposite. 

On the most fundamental level, the free-market system gives people the incentive to improve themselves economically so they and their families can enjoy better healthcare, homes, cars, food, and all of the other human necessities. Socialism, on the other hand, provides no such incentives.  Why should people work long, hard, and smart to improve their economic circumstances when the government will take their hard-earned money from them and give it to an unproductive person regardless of that person’s sloth, lack of effort, or ineptitude, and all in the name of fairness and redistribution of wealth?

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country

1 comment:

  1. Nowhere has socialism become more evident than in the public school system in this country-a system that was founded and promoted by Unitarians and socialists and so has socialist roots literally since day one. For several articles dealing with the socialist foundations of public education please check out
