Sunday, December 15, 2013


South Milwaukee Now – Kristan T. Harris – 12/12/2013

Wisconsin’s SENATOR LEAH VUKMIR has added her self to the list of local politicians who are in the continuous battle against eugenicist Bill Gates funded Common Core State Standards.

She posted the following press release:

Leah Vukmir |Press Release 12/12/2013

(Madison, WI) – A review of the Common Core State Standards Initiative has been released which provides findings from public hearings and possible recommendations for the Wisconsin State Legislature.

“I must first commend the work that both Senator Farrow and Representative Thiesfeldt did as the co-chairs of the Select Committee on Common Core State Standards. Not only were the reports released well-crafted and thought out, but their abilities as chairs kept the hearings moving and productive.”

“While the Common Core State Standards may be better than what we currently have, I believe we can do better. They do not have the rigor associated with the top state standards in the US and around the world. The standards do not appropriately take into account the needs of advanced students. States are not allowed to enhance these standards due to copyright laws. They emphasize writing over reading which contradicts centuries of research. These concerns are just a few of the many discussed during this process.”

“Reading through the considerations of the two reports, I believe there is hope for getting Wisconsin’s educational system out from under the federally pushed Common Core State Standards. I believe there are 6 steps that Wisconsin can take to improve our state standards:

  • Suspend all implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
  • Work to create Wisconsin specific standards that are based upon the nationally recognized standards from Massachusetts, Indiana and California. These standards could be developed using a newly-created standards board similar to one considered in Chairman Farrow’s report. 
  • Submit these state standards to the legislature in the form of Administrative Rules, thereby mandating legislative oversight.
  • Withdraw from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and develop an assessment based upon the new Wisconsin specific standards.
  • Require a review of these standards every six years.
  • Put additional safeguards in place to protect student privacy.
“I look forward to meeting with my other committee members to discuss these positive steps.”

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