Saturday, September 6, 2014


Control is the key focus of collectivism
Freedom Outpost – Dale Pflug – 9/5/2014

Americans have been in a 100+ year war to resist the transformation of our republic into a democracy, then to socialism. The American shift to socialism has reached an alarming stage with the move to a powerful centralized federal government. States' rights have been surrendered. During the past 50 years, we have watched socialism increase with the federalization of education, environment control and adoption of national health care with the addition to ObamaCare. (A more appropriate name might be DemocracyCare!)

Individualists, particularly freedom loving Americans, learned the importance of a republic from their Founding Fathers who insisted on maximum freedom and limiting government to its most basic functions. Today, the state has become more powerful while allowing a large role of big corporations with central planning and crony capitalism. Coercion plays an increasing role in ensuring individuals is control by, and serve the will of the state. Nationalization of health care, for example, has forced people to buy health insurance. Big government has invaded every aspect of our lives.

Federal control of the educational system has provided the necessary dumbing down of the citizen that has increased surrender of individual freedoms. Individualism is best characterized by freedom of the individual while control is the key focus of collectivism. Many people wonder if the fate of America is destined to collapse as every collectivist societies that have gone before it. The risks associated with this change are huge. A massive effort to stop this collapse would be costly and take decades to achieve if even possible. Each citizen should study the contrast between individualism and collectivism. There is extensive information available about collectivism on the Internet. A good starting point is:

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country

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