An open letter to the leadership
Eagle Rising – Thomas Paine –
Those are the three M’s... MEXICO, MUSLIMS, MARXISM....all
seemingly working together to derail America as founded on
Christian/Judeo principles of the Enlightenment. As the only country where the
PEOPLE made the rules, the founding USA was a miraculous breakthrough
that is now under attack.
For decades US politicians
turned a blind eye, or worse, colluded, in Mexico's
decades of organized racketeering exporting illegal drugs, guns and poor people
into the United States
for the purpose of psychological warfare, subversion and profit.
The impact of 20-30 million
criminals/illegals (not the fictional “11 million”) has degraded cities,
schools, education, medical care and all other areas of American civic life.
Criminals/illegals already
reap billions from Left/Dems party so it is unlikely they will ever vote think so smacks of is reading the tea leaves incorrectly
to assign "conservative values" to them. In fact, their culture is
incompatible with democratic Western values of self-reliance & fairness.
They are steeped in 400
years of Spanish Colonial policies of racism and elitism generating disrespect
for authority and honesty.
Americans have no moral,
legal, ethical obligation to support the poor which have been sent by
racketeering Mexico...Mexican, Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world, could
fund education/medical for all Mexican poor...but this is never mentioned...Americans
are forced to do this.
There should be no
"door prize" of citizenship for successfully breaking into the
country to take what citizens created...essentially burglarizing the homeland
to steal property bought and paid for by citizens/taxpayers.
It goes without saying the
growing numbers and aggressive demands of MUSLIMS
in Europe and the US
will become a greater infringement in the future. There has been no attempt to
be secretive on the intentions of the is world domination.
The MARXISTS in government and education have usurped the
American model of patriotism and fairness. Decades of 1960s-style aggression
against government and middle-class values has produced too many who have no
understanding of the foundation of American and what it stands for. They have
been successfully brainwashed to believe unworthy propositions forwarded by the
Left, such as "You didn't build that."
Now is the time to speak up
for the Rule of Law and America.
Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country
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