Tuesday, September 6, 2011


American Thinker -- On Being Governed by Scientific Frauds -- 9/5/2011 -- James Lewis


As aeronautics engineer Burt Rutan has pointed out, so-called "climate modeling" is a computer game with too many unknowns.  Real scientists keep discovering unexpected climate factors; but if you don't even know your biggest variables, how can you build a model at all? 

Global warming racketeers end up doing science by press release.  Their models are rigged, and any time they turn out wrong, they change the model.  Then they send out more press releases to equally corrupt jourNOlists, who phone in more scary headlines to the New York Times.  Millions of suckered voters end up believing that the sky is falling, and they vote for socialist politicians like Obama to Save the Planet.

In ordinary science any remaining debates would be based on those facts.  It's only in pseudo-science that you keep repeating a terrible idea over and over, in the face of the evidence.
The goal of science is to discover truth and to get rid of bad ideas.  From that point of view, global warming is on par with the bloody tyranny of North Korea, because they are both based on well-known falsehoods.  They are different degrees of corruption and malignancy, but they are both driven by socially accepted lies.

Two centuries after Jefferson, Franklin, and Benjamin Rush, we are now governed by science frauds.  Just let that little fact bubble in your mind -- and then do something about it, please.  If we don't do anything, nobody will.  There's far too much money in scientific fraud for it to go away by itself.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

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