Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Snowden documents reveal how the NSA turns your selfie into a mugshot
Freedom Outpost – Susanne Posei – 6/9/2014

Media is reporting that documents provided by Edward Snowden show the National Security Agency (NSA) are in the process of collecting “millions of images intercepted from global communications for a facial-recognition programs to identify and track intelligence targets.”

These images are being siphoned from “emails, text messages, social media, videoconferences, and other communications.”

The Next Generation Identification (NGI) program has been using a massive biometric database which is slated to replace Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) which collaborates with “state of the art biometric identification services”.

The EFF explains that the NGI “builds on the FBI’s legacy fingerprint database—which already contains well over 100 million individual records—and has been designed to include multiple forms of biometric data, including palm prints and iris scans in addition to fingerprints and face recognition data. NGI combines all these forms of data in each individual’s file, linking them to personal and biographic data like name, home address, ID number, immigration status, age, race, etc. This immense database is shared with other federal agencies and with the approximately 18,000 tribal, state and local law enforcement agencies across the United States.”

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