Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Cobbling together a constituency
GOPUSA – Peter Lemiska – 8/21/2012

Like the former Governor of Illinois, who tried to sell Obama’s vacant senate seat, Obama has acquired a keen appreciation for the unique assets that come with his office. So now he is using his presidential powers as a personal bankroll to buy the votes he needs. Like a benevolent dictator, he is bestowing favors on his favored groups, unilaterally enforcing or ignoring existing laws, all in an effort to cobble together a constituency. But what some see as compassionate policy decisions are really just political calculations, divisive and transient in nature. They lack the benefit of healthy debate, and are unsupported by the law of the land. 
If Obama’s gambit is successful, our United States will soon be anything but united. It will no longer be the shining city that President Reagan envisioned, but will become the vision of an unprincipled huckster, always ready to trade some favor for political support.
If Obama fails to address the real problems facing our country, our economic situation can only worsen. And if he continues to rule by decree, ignoring our Constitution, America will become just another welfare state, more divided than ever, and dependent, not even on some government bureaucracy, but on the whims of a self-appointed dictator.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

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