Friday, July 27, 2012


Why We Must Stand
Patriot Update -- Tad Cronn – 7/26/2012
American hearts and minds polluted by the filth of every strain of liberalism, secularism and Marxism must be cleansed and turned back toward God and our founding principles of individual liberty and responsibility, and of limited government.

But how to do it when the very nature of our country today is so hotly denied?
Not only is the Constitution ignored, shredded and debased, but even the very concept that rights come from God, not government, is scoffed at.

God gives rights to people. The people grant authority to government. The government protects the people’s rights. That is the proper order of things.

But today, we’ve inverted — or reverted — our thinking into a variant of the divine right of kings, in which a “noble” class (the elected) confers rights upon us plebeians.

Like the nobility of old, our ruling class took its position by force — not through arms, perhaps, but through long abuse of power nonetheless.
Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country -

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