Tuesday, February 26, 2013



I visited a physician last week. It was a “new” doctor in the practice--a young lady (at MY age, EVERYBODY is “young”--when I was born, the Dead Sea wasn‘t even sick) who was quite enthusiastic. She was obviously a liberal by her dress and manner. I was thinking of hitting on her, but I don’t like the phrase, “You remind me of my grandfather.”

She asked me what was wrong, and I replied, “I have a cut on my leg; and I think it may be getting infected.”

She said, “Before we start, I have to ask you a few questions. Are you allergic to any medications?”

I replied, “No.”

She said, “Do you have any guns in the house?”

I said, “HUH??”

She replied, “Guns. Do you have any guns in the house?”

I asked, “Why?”

She said, “I’ve got to ask this question. It is required under the Affordable Care Act.”

I asked, “What are you going to do with the data?”

She said, “We compile it, amalgamate it, and submit it to the government.”

I said, “Well, I have a Tommy Gun. I let my kid Tommy play with it.”

She said, “What’s a Tommy Gun? I don‘t think that is the kind of gun they are concerned with.”

With THAT, I knew I had a live one. I said, “It’s similar to a B.A.R., but a little heavier and shorter. I have a B.A.R. also.”

She said, “A B.A.R.?”

I said, “Yes.”

She looked puzzled. Then she brightened up and asked, “Do you have any assault rifles?”

I attempted to look puzzled, and said, “I don’t know. What is an assault rifle?”

She said, “That’s a gun that is used in wars.”

I said, “As a matter of fact, I do. I have a replica of a Revolutionary War musket.”

She began to look a bit exasperated. I pretended not to notice and kept up the appearance of trying to be helpful.

She said, “Do you have anything more modern than that?”

I replied, “Well, yes I do. I have a replica muzzle loader from the Civil War. Do you know the difference between a musket and a muzzle loader?”

She rather peevishly said, “No, I don’t; and I don’t want to. What else do you have?”

I said, “I have an M-1.”

She asked, “What’s that?”

I said, “A rifle.”

She asked, “What kind?”

I replied, “It is called a Garand.”

She rather loudly said, “I don’t care if it is a grand rifle or not. Is it an assault rifle?”

To which I replied, “I don’t know. I don’t know what an assault rifle is. You say it’s a rifle used in war, yet you say that my musket and muzzle loader are not assault rifles.”

She calmed down (a bit) and asked, “Anything else?”

I said, “I have an MG-.30, and an MG-.50. I‘m also part owner of an Apache. But they are not rifles.”

She stated, “Well, then, I’m not interested in them. Anything else.”

I replied, “Well, yes. I also have a 12-gauge and a 20-gauge pump. They are not rifled though.”

She said, “I’m not interested in pumps; I’m interested in guns.”

I replied, “Well, then, I have a Colt, a Luger, a Glock, a bazooka, a Parabellum, a Kalishnikov, a Henry, a Uzi, a Llama, and a Beretta--but they are not rifles.”

She then said, “I’ve had enough of this. I think you’re toying with me. Let me see your leg.”

I then said, “Excuse me, but before you look at my leg, I have a few questions to ask of you.”

She replied, “Of course. What are they?”

I said, “I have given you a lot of information about my guns. I am somewhat concerned about your knowledge and ability to assimilate, make coherent sense of that information, and report it correctly. Do you know the difference between a .22 caliber and a .223 caliber? It’s a rather fundamental difference.”

She replied, “Actually, I don’t.”

I said, “I see. Let me ask some more relevant questions. “How much money do you make?”

She said, “That’s personal, why do you ask?”

I said, “Well, in pushing the Health Care Act, my president cautioned the population about doctors that would amputate a leg rather than treat a cut because they make more money that way. Consequently, I wish to know if you are financially troubled. What kind of car do you drive? What are your house payments? How much is your mortgage? How much credit card debt do you have? Do you have a student loan; if so, how much?”

She said, “I’m not going to answer those questions. You have no right to ask them.”

I then asked, “Do you have training and education in homeopathic techniques? Do you know the benefits/effects of CoQ10, ginseng, fish oil, Creatine, BCAA, and other such herbal treatments?” Do you know the difference between Panax ginseng, American ginseng, and Siberian ginseng?”

She replied, “Well, no.”

I then asked, ”Well, have you studied it at all?”

She replied rather defensively, “NO; it’s all a bunch of hogwash anyway.”

I said, “Oh, then you have read the research on it. What have you read?”

She then said, “I don’t waste my time reading such things. Why are you asking me these questions?”

I said, “Well, if I’m going to turn my body over to you for treatment, I believe it is reasonable for me to know something about your motivation, training, experience, and competence. Do you know anything about the practice of holistic medicine?”

She said, rather angrily “No, I don’t.”

I said, “Oh. O.K. How much experience do you have in practicing medicine?”

She replied, “Well, not very much.”

To which I said, “Well, we all have to start somewhere. What medical school did you go to; what is its rank in terms of other medical schools; where did you intern; and where did you do your residency? What is the rank of the hospital where you did your internship and residency?”

She rather peevishly said, “All my credentials are posted in the waiting room.”

To which I said, “Really? The rank of your medical school is posted in the waiting room? Do you have any experience with leg injuries? If so, how much?”

I guess that was too much for her. She rather crossly said, “I think it would be best if you saw a different doctor.” and started to leave the room.

I said, “You know, doctor. You asked me irrelevant questions about my guns, and I answered them. Whether or not I own guns is really none of your business and has absolutely nothing to do with any treatment you might prescribe. On the other hand, I ask you questions quite relevant to my situation, and you refuse to answer them. Isn’t that somewhat backwards?”

She said, “But I HAVE to ask those questions. It’s the law.”

To which I replied, “Actually, it is NOT the law. Here is what the law says--taken directly from the Affordable Care Act:”

‘‘(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.—A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—
‘‘(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or
‘‘(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.

‘‘(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any information relating to—
‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;
‘‘(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or
‘‘(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.

Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c.only relates to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare):

(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS- A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to–`(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or`(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.`

(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION- None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any information relating to–`(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;`(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or`(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.`

(3) LIMITATION ON DATABASES OR DATA BANKS- None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.`

(4) LIMITATION ON DETERMINATION OF PREMIUM RATES OR ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE- A premium rate may not be increased, health insurance coverage may not be denied, and a discount, rebate, or reward offered for participation in a wellness program may not be reduced or withheld under any health benefit plan issued pursuant to or in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act on the basis of, or on reliance upon–`(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; or`(B) the lawful use or storage of a firearm or ammunition.`

(5)LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS- No individual shall be required to disclose any information under any data collection activity authorized under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act relating to–`(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; or`(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition.’.

In a nutshell, under Obamacare you can’t be required to provide information to doctors or health plans about legally owned guns, nor can your insurance rates be affected by such ownership. The government, in the execution of Obamacare, cannot collect information about or use information from other government databases about legally owned guns.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Is the Obama Administration committing Sedition or Treason?
Patriot Update – Sean Aland – 2/2/2013

With many unanswered questions still looming large from the Fast and Furious investigation, Occupy Wall Street, and the 9-11 Attack on the American consulate in Benghazi it is time to ask whether the Obama administration with its reckless policies to “fundamentally change America” is guilty of sedition or perhaps even treason.

Webster’s defines sedition as, Crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction.

Because it is limited to organizing and encouraging opposition to government rather than directly participating in its overthrow, sedition is regarded as falling one step short of the more serious crime of treason. In the U.S. the display of a certain flag or the advocacy of a particular movement….(such as anarchism, or communism).

Knowingly illegally arming Mexican drug cartels - Fast and Furious

Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a movement that was rife with socialists and anarchists calling for the overthrow of our government and economy

The Failed Gun running operation to arm Libyan rebels in Benghazi resulted in the consulate being overrun and four American lives being lost.

These three cases show an obvious tie to “organizing and encouraging opposition to government” as well as “advocacy” in the case of the OWS movement.

Treason is defined as, Offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war.

In all three of the examples mentioned above the administration directly or indirectly assisted our enemies in time of war.

In the case of Benghazi and Fast and Furious the gun running provided aid… to our enemies.

OWS wants to undermine our economy, which was Al-Qaida’s goal on 9-11.

Both of these examples are a form of domestic terror.  The administration is guilty of encouraging terrorism against the U.S.

We have seen the lack of cooperation by the DOJ in the Fast and furious Investigation, praise for the OWS demonstrations by the president, and the great Benghazi cover-up after the Consulate attack.

One thing is certain, with all the changes to the Benghazi story that have come out of the Obama Administration, someone is lying and others are covering it up.

Call it the total incompetence of this administration with guns and OWS or the A,B, C, foreign policy,

Is this administration guilty of sedition and or Treason? 

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Is the Obama Administration committing Sedition or Treason?
Patriot Update – Sean Aland – 2/2/2013

With many unanswered questions still looming large from the Fast and Furious investigation, Occupy Wall Street, and the 9-11 Attack on the American consulate in Benghazi it is time to ask whether the Obama administration with its reckless policies to “fundamentally change America” is guilty of sedition or perhaps even treason.

Webster’s defines sedition as, Crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction.

Because it is limited to organizing and encouraging opposition to government rather than directly participating in its overthrow, sedition is regarded as falling one step short of the more serious crime of treason. In the U.S. the display of a certain flag or the advocacy of a particular movement….(such as anarchism, or communism).

  • Knowingly illegally arming Mexican drug cartels - Fast and Furious

  • Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a movement that was rife with socialists and anarchists calling for the overthrow of our government and economy

  • The Failed Gun running operation to arm Libyan rebels in Benghazi resulted in the consulate being overrun and four American lives being lost.

These three cases show an obvious tie to “organizing and encouraging opposition to government” as well as “advocacy” in the case of the OWS movement.

Treason is defined as, Offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war.

In all three of the examples mentioned above the administration directly or indirectly assisted our enemies in time of war.

In the case of Benghazi and Fast and Furious the gun running provided aid… to our enemies.

OWS wants to undermine our economy, which was Al-Qaida’s goal on 9-11.

Both of these examples are a form of domestic terror.
The administration is guilty of encouraging terrorism against the U.S.

We have seen the lack of cooperation by the DOJ in the Fast and furious Investigation, praise for the OWS demonstrations by the president, and the great Benghazi cover-up after the Consulate attack.

One thing is certain, with all the changes to the Benghazi story that have come out of the Obama Administration, someone is lying and others are covering it up.

Call it the total incompetence of this administration with guns and OWS or the A,B, C, foreign policy,

Is this administration guilty of sedition and or Treason? The policies point to it and the actions scream it. The Obama camp has yet to truthfully respond about any of these cases, and continues to be evasive, unclear, and confusing
very effectively, with full media protection and complicity.

Sedition and treason aside, our lack of response only emboldens militant Islamists who understand and respect strength, not the weakness continually shown by this administration.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Colorado:  Secret energy lab spawns million-dollar government employee
Watch Dog - Tori Richards - 11/24/2012

Here’s one government employee—the One Million Dollar Man, who makes decisions on where hundreds of millions of YOUR tax dollars will be spent – ON GREEN ENERGY!

If you live outside Colorado, you probably haven’t heard of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory – NREL for short. It’s the place where solar panels, windmills and corn are deemed the energy source of the future and companies who support such endeavors are courted.

Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-Lakewood, CO.  The lab sits in the middle of his district.
It’s also the place where highly paid staff decide how to spend hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars.

And the public pays those decision-makers well:  NREL’s top executive, Dr. Dan Arvizu, makes close to a million dollars per year. His two top lieutenants rake in more than half a million each and nine others make more than $350,000 a year.
“NREL has given us two of the most significant boondoggles, one of them being ethanol and the other being (bankrupt) Abound Solar,”

NREL’s taxpayer-funded management company has seen its budget more than double since 2006.

Perlmutter’s ties go beyond merely promoting green legislation and lobbying his colleagues for NREL funds. He has received $12,670 in campaign contributions from executives of NREL and its management company, MRIGlobal, a company that describes itself as “an independent, not-for-profit organization that performs contract research for government and industry.”

Solar and wind still remain prohibitively expensive and not viable for general use as are corn and wood chips to fuel cars. Cooke predicts that numerous taxpayer-subsidized companies will go bankrupt in the coming years just as the overinflated housing market came crashing down.
It’s the environmental threat.  Solar companies have been fraught with bankruptcy.

“I’ll tell you what’s pollution,” Cooke said. “It’s solar panels and wind turbines abandoned — things with toxic chemicals in them,” she said. “We don’t know what’s going to happen to these things. What do you do with a farm of abandoned wind turbines that are 500 feet tall?”

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Keep the cap to guarantee real local control
Wisconsin Reporter – Ryan Ekvall – 2/22/2013

Since 1993, state law has capped the amount school boards can tax. If they want more money, they have to ask taxpayers for it.

“It’s never been a popular policy with school boards, as it puts them in the uncomfortable position of having to formally ask residents for a property tax increase if they want to go above the cap,” the piece declares.

Yes. Asking taxpayers for their money should be as uncomfortable as possible. When it comes to spending other people’s money, the tendency is to spend more.

Instead of school board officials deciding to raise taxes at meetings hardly anyone attends, they have to ask for it. That’s called “direct democracy.”
Because the state will never propose voluntary contributions, it’s the best deal taxpayers can get.

Since the beginning of January 2008, voters have approved 114 referenda for project debt while turning down 91 others.

But those who vote against a referendum are still obligated to pay higher taxes. 

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Google allowing government to read your e-mails, chats, blogs without warrant or probable clause
Godfather Politics – Giacomo – 2/23/2013

Fourth Amendment:  The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

With 425 million Gmail subscribers, Google claims to be the largest email provider in the world.  They also provide telephone service through Google Voice, document storage through Google Drive, personal blogs through Blogger and they provide You Tube services.

Did you know that Google saves and archives every form of communication that used any of their services?  That even includes any corporate clients.

Google reports that they had 13,753 requests from local, state and federal government agencies to access and read your communications?  The request involved 31,072 users.

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986?  is actually a combination of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Stored Wire Electronic Communications Act.  Passed by a Republican controlled Senate and Democratic controlled House, the Act was signed into law by Republican President Ronald Reagan.  Basically, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986 states that all email that has been opened and stored remotely and not on the hard drive of a computer, may be accessed without warrant.   O
f the 13,753 requests from local, state and federal governments in 2012, Google says that most of them were granted, even though a large number did not have search warrants.

Therefore, be warned that if you use any of Google’s services and you don’t want the government knowing what you are saying or doing, then find another means of communication.  However, that other means is probably in the same boat Google is, so best to talk face-to-face or not all if you are concerned about anyone else knowing.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com



You do not want your name on this list?  

Peoples For The American Way.org tracks 35 former friends AND 12 BODYGUARDS of Bill and Hillary Clinton, who are now all dead.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Black History Month:  Abortion has killed 16 million Black Children
LifeNews.com – LaSondra Spears – 2/15/2013

We live in a time where more African American men are in prison than were slaves in 1850. For the male children who do survive abortion, who’s teaching them to be men so the cycle of abortion doesn’t continue? Who’s telling us this history?

Abortion alone has taken the lives of over 16 million Black children. Our population is decreasing at an increasing rate. For every 100 live births in the African American community, another 77 are aborted. In New York, more babies are aborted than born. African American babies are aborted at up to six times the rate of the majority population. These innocent, beautiful Black children are an endangered species. Who’s speaking for them?

Our African American forefathers would be shocked to learn that the degree of freedom for which they died has introduced us to laws that are now killing their posterity at an alarming rate

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Is it time for a third party?
Patriot Update – Sean Aland – 2/20/2013

The Tea Party, despised by both establishment Democrats and Republicans, is the new representative of conservatives. It stands for the conservative, Christian, constitutional, capitalist, small-government ideology.

Simply stated the contemporary Democratic Party represents the far left, the Republican Party represents the moderate left, and the Tea Party represents real conservatives who are trying to salvage our country.

Currently both parties suffer from an identity crisis with Blue Dog Democrats supporting socialism and the Republican Party abandoning its base.

The mission of The Tea Party is simple and still relevant. It calls for elected officials and the bureaucrats who administer their policies to follow the Constitution and listen to the people they represent.

The Tea party supports candidates who commit to the original founding principles of the Constitution: limited federal government, state’s rights, free markets, balanced budgets, no deficits and a strong military. They believe in the basic principles of freedom and liberty vs. a Government that knows best.   Remind establishment politicians that they work for the people.

Apparently a lot of the conservative base did not vote because they felt ignored by a GOP controlled by moderates. The GOP representative was asked “at what point will the Republican Party stop ignoring the base of conservative Christians while chasing after moderates?” His answer was that, “we tell candidates that it is OK to believe the conservative Christian stuff, just don’t tell anyone.” His statement validated the belief of real conservatives—moral and economic conservatives—that the mainstream Republican Party seeks power at the expense of morals and integrity.

Perhaps it is time to adopt the European model of two major political parties, the Socialist party and the Conservative party. The progressive Democrats and RINO’s would feel more at home in a Socialist Party , and the Blue Dog Democrats and GOP conservatives that still have an ounce of character could start rebuilding a constitutional, small government, Conservative Party under the tutelage of the Tea Party Patriots.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Al-Qaida tipsheet on avoiding drones found in Mali
Yahoo – Rukmini Callmachi – 2/22/2013

Low-tech desert grass mats at $1.40 each hide terrorists from high-tech drones flying overhead.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


The Real Agenda
CitizenLink – Report – 2/19/2013

7-minute video

CitizenLink Analyst Jeff Johnston explains the real goals of gay activism and how it is trampling on your freedom to own a business or affirm what marriage is.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Texas DMV sells personal information to hundreds of companies; Drivers not allowed to opt-out
TechDirt – Tim Cushing – 2/13/2013

Should citizens have the option to OPT-IN to use government services if they’re going to sell our private information for profit?

The Texas DMV claims its "top priority" is protecting drivers' information, but that hardly seems to be the case when it's pulling in $2.1 million a year selling it off. There are protections in place, but they are flimsy at best.

"The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is the custodian of over 22 million currently registered vehicles in the state of Texas," Randy Elliston, Director of the Texas DMV, explained. "All of those records that are in our database, however, are protected under the Driver Privacy Protection Act."

Randy Elliston says the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) limits who can buy your information and what they can do with it.

It would be interesting to see what these "limits" are. The spreadsheet obtained by CBS 11 of Dallas, TX shows that 2,448 different entities purchased this information from the DMV last year.

The Driver Privacy Protection Act is a federal law. And the fine print actually says businesses can use your information for marketing or solicitations if the state has obtained your consent. That means some drivers can opt in or out of these databases.

Problem is – Texas didn't adopt that portion of the law. So, drivers in the Lone Star State are stuck. 

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

Monday, February 18, 2013


Report:  The NY Fed has been quietly bailing out Bank of America?
The Blaze – Becket Adams – 2/18/2013

The New York Federal Reserve has been quietly protecting Bank of America (BofA) from any liability while giving away billions in potential legal claims, according to a recent New York Times article.

From the NYT:

That the New York Fed would shower favors on a big financial institution may not surprise. It has long shielded large banks from assertive regulation and increased capital requirements.

Still, last week’s details of the undisclosed settlement between the New York Fed and Bank of America are remarkable. Not only do the filings show the New York Fed helping to thwart another institution’s fraud case against the bank, they also reveal that the New York Fed agreed to give away what may be billions of dollars in potential legal claims.

The article goes on to explain how the New York Fed has protected BofA from claims brought against it by people affected by the back’s toxic mortgage holdings. 

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


It’s ‘Washington’s Birthday’:  Here are his five most important warnings to Congress
The Blaze – Becket Adams – 2/18/2013

George Washington and his commentary on five important topics:

Progressive Ideas
Political Parties
Public Debt

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Does Obama hate the poor?
Townhall – Dan Holler – 2/18/2013

“In the real world, setting a floor under the price of labor creates winners and losers,” the Wall Street Journal points outs. While “some workers will get a $1.75 raise” “others -- typically the least educated and skilled -- will be priced out of the job market and their pay won't rise to $9.” Going from $7.25 per hour to $0 isn’t going to get anyone ahead.

Wonkblog explains employers could “respond by cutting back on benefits or hours or training.” For those living below the poverty line, those cuts would not be welcomed, and a decrease in training will mean less opportunity for a low-skilled employee to advance, all but ensuring the cycle of poverty continues.

One of the destructive side effects of Obamacare is the costly employer mandate. Employers now have an incentive to give workers just 29 hours per week to avoid triggering the law’s definition of a “full-time” employee. Once a worker becomes “full-time,” the employer must provide the worker with costly health insurance or pay a hefty fine to the federal government.

As National Review’s Andrew Stiles explained, a minimum-wage employee working 40 hours a week could see their weekly wage increase by $70 per week under the President’s proposal. However, if employers cut hours to avoid Obamacare, as some have already announced, that same employee, even with the mandatory wage increase would lose $29 per week.

University of California at Irvine economist David Neumark found 85% of major academic studies focused on the minimum wage "find a negative employment effect on low-skilled workers."

If you’re a low-skilled worker, be on the lookout for a fancy sounding bill to be introduced in Congress, something like the Eliminating Poverty in America Act. If history is any guide, the EPA Act will do you more harm than good.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Unions slump on bad Obama Bet
Townhall – John Ransom – 2/18/2013

Because the Left will only concentrate on the decline in membership, while ignoring why the decline is happening, conservatives must continue to take advantage of union weakness.  Wherever conservatives have run against unions, conservatives have won.  

And underneath the declining union stats are examples that show that the basic problem with unions is that they don’t play nice with others.

One of the most serious financial crises we face is the result of underfunded pension obligations. Union-controlled, civil servant pensions are especially underfunded because politicians took money from unions to get elected and subsequently over-promised benefits, counting on the taxpayer to fill the gap.

“The hole in the pension plans of U.S. labor unions now stands at $369 billion Credit Suisse has calculated with the aid of new reporting standards,” reported CNBC.com last April. “This raises the prospect of higher pension contributions for employers and deteriorating industrial relations….S&P 500 companies’ share of this obligation is estimated at just $43 billion
it has only served to give unions a big black eye, looking like what they really are: a bunch of special pleaders who expect the rest of us to pay for benefits that we can’t afford for our own families.

Additionally, unions stand in the way of progress on basic governmental reforms such as K-12 education.  The basic problem with public education in this country is the existence of labor unions that can only survive if there is only one provider of education. Every attempt at reform runs into a brick wall of union opposition because it challenges the one-size-fits all public school. The only type of school “reform” that unions support is more money for monolithic public schools, even as the US falls further and further behind other developed nations.

Declining union membership gives conservatives a hint of where they need to go to be successful electorally: Attack the unions for being the prime beneficiaries of government spending, accounting tricks that require taxpayer funding and as the cheerleader for Big Government expansion into every aspect of American life.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Ten key quote from President Obama’s State of the Union Address
Townhall – Guy Benson – 2/13/2013

President Obama rehashed many familiar themes this evening, calling on Congress to act on a host of issues -- and vowing to take unilateral executive action if they fail to sufficiently address his priorities.  

A few passages were newsworthy: Obama denounced the looming sequester cuts, voiced support for "modest" Medicare reforms, called for another stimulus, resurrected cap and trade, pushed comprehensive immigration reform, backed a national hike in the minimum wage, announced another major troop draw-down in Afghanistan, and insisted that Congress allow up-or-down votes on a series of gun control measures.  

As is his habit, the president was not especially conciliatory in his remarks.  

There are quite a few comments for each item listed below.

Here are ten quotes from the text of the address that merit further scrutiny:

  • Sequester
  • “Not one dime” to deficits
  • Medicare reform and health care costs
  • the return of the carbon tax
  • Stimulus 3.0
  • “What works” in education
  • Rhetorical restraint on immigration reform
  • Raising the minimum wage
  • “Whatever we must”?
  • Pressing vote on gun control measures
Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


Right the Rules – Changing one rule at a time
WI State Assembly

Welcome to our website dedicated to Regulatory Reform in Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker and the leadership in the State Assembly are committed to a top to bottom review of the 1,768 chapters in the Wisconsin Administrative Code containing countless rules we all deal with on a daily basis.  If you are a small business person, local government, manufacturer, or just an individual resident of Wisconsin you are affected by these 11,764 pages of rules.

On this website you can find out how we plan on doing this review, what the rules actually say and notices of public hearings that will be taking place dealing with specific rules.  This is a huge undertaking so this site will be changing and adding more information as we go forward.

We also want your input.  If there is a rule or regulation that you find problematic let us know.  This site gives you the ability to put in writing your specific concerns and e-mail those concerns to my office and we will pass those concerns on to the committee dealing with that rule.

We plan on updating this website as we go forward so you will know how many of the 1,768 chapters in the administrative code have been dealt with in March, June, or December of this year.
Thanks for checking out this website.  The success of this project largely depends on the public letting us know their specific concerns.  Hopefully this site will be informative for you but more importantly we hope to hear from you.

Rep. Daniel LeMahieu
Co-Chair Review of Administrative Rules Committee
Please feel free to contact us by calling 608-266-9175 or emailing righttherules@legis.wi.gov 

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Republican Lawmakers slam doctors on questions about gun ownership
The Hill – Elise Viebeck – 2/16/2013

“If there's a gun in the house, a family member is three times more likely to die from a gunshot wound [than] an intruder," he added. "We advise parents about car safety seats, about bicycle helmets, and about guns. It's just part of our prevention frame of mind."

But on Capitol Hill this week, GOP lawmakers reacted to the idea as a major violation of gun-owners' privacy.

"Are they going to start asking if [patients] are Republicans or Democrats?" said Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), another member of the Judiciary Committee. "Asking questions that are none of the pediatricians' business is out of bounds."

King, criticizing Obama's healthcare law, suggested that doctors' practice of asking about guns could ultimately help the government surveil citizens.

"What they're doing is compiling a record that, one day, the Obama administration or a succeeding administration could tap into," King said. "Who is getting those records? They will be in ObamaCare's database file. That's part of that."

He added that it would be easy for Congress to pass a law enabling federal officials to use those records to "identify where guns are."

They argued, like the National Rifle Association (NRA), that gun safety is not doctors' responsibility.

"Doctors have no business inquiring of patients whether they are choosing to exercise their constitutional rights," NRA spokeswoman Jacqueline Otto said in a statement Friday. "When a child is brought to a doctor, it is to seek their expertise in pediatrics, not firearms ownership."

"If I'm a pediatrician, I want to make sure the kids I take care of are safe," said Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.), a physician. "So having a discussion about all types of things ... I don't have a problem with it."

READER COMMENT:  It's going to be quite a questionnaire.

Does mommy leave a pot handle on the stove facing frontwards where it can be grabbed by a child? (Many more children are burned by hot liquids that way than are shot).

Does mommy leave kitchen knives on the counter where you can reach them? (Many more children are cut (some seriously) by kitchen knives than are shot)

Does mommy or daddy smoke or smoke dope? (Many more children are seriously burned or killed by playing with matches or lighters than are shot)

Does mommy or daddy use their cell phone when they are driving you? (Many more children are seriously injured or killed due to accidents due to driver inattention than by guns).

Does mommy or daddy drink beer or alcohol?

Do they drive you after they've been drinking?

Has anyone in your family ever let you drink beer?

Does mommy or daddy ever spank you? Do they use their hand or something else? Does daddy or mommy's boyfriend ever get really mad and hit mommy?

Has mommy's boyfriend ever hit you?

Has mommy or daddy ever touched you here or there when they shouldn't have?

Do mommy and daddy yell at you all the time and hurt your feelings?

Does mommy let you eat candy, drink soda or let you put salt on your food?

Do you go to McDonalds more than once a month?

Has mommy made you eat red meat more than twice this week?

How often does mommy NOT prepare you a nice bland vegan supper.

Has mommy ever NOT made you a nice hot important breakfast to start your day in a healthy way?

Has mommy ever let you play outside without putting a sun blocker on you?

Has mommy ever let you ride your bike without wearing a helmet?

Has mommy and daddy ever told you that global warming doesn't exist, or not told you about how it will affect your health unless we stop it?

And on and on and on...

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


On 1/28/2013 Dr. Richie, District Administrator for Northland Pines School District, conducted an open meeting asking voters to approve a $2.7 million (operating funds) referendum per year for three years, which would raise real estate taxes by $82 for each $100,000 of assessed valuation. 

The second referendum asks for a one-year charge of $7 for each $100,000 of assessed valuation for a one-time school retrofit. 

Northland Pines School District has an informational website devoted to the referendum: 

Your real estate taxes decreased 14-18% for 2013.  Approval of these referendums will increase your real estate taxes back up about 10%.

Since Act 10 was enacted in 2011, NPSD has significantly reduced operating costs saving taxpayers over $1.3 million (pension payments from employees and increased health care contributions and plan changes).   http://www.reforms.wi.gov/county_resource_detail.asp?locid=185&cocatid=6&countyid=646 -

NPSD salaries can be viewed at JS Online.  Salary info for 135 employees was displayed.  http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/dataondemand/33534649.html

In checking the website I Verify the Recall, petitions were signed to recall Gov. Walker by NPSD employees:  one principal, 47 teachers, two others (50 out of 135 NPSD salaried employees) - http://iverifytherecall.com/

Of those employees, pay started at $12,545 for a part-timer (fringe of $1,687 - 13% of salary) to the high teacher pay of $64,646.   Teacher fringe benefits ranged from up to $31,288 (48%).    One part-timer salary was $16,725 with fringe benefits of $14,566 (87%).

113 teacher salaries ranged from $21,322 to $64,646.  Teacher fringe benefits ranged from $7.468 to $30,294.  Depending on teacher salary, benefits ranged from 15% to 72%.

The following 21 employees are in a higher pay grade than the 113 teachers in NPSD:  3 of the 4 guidance counselors, 1 business manager, 4 principals, 1 district administrator, 1 director of special education

Remaining employees in the district include:  2 library media specialists, 3 speech / language pathologists, 1 psychologist, 2 school occupational therapists, 2 nurses, 1 program coordinator.

A number of employees were part time; some worked at more than one school.

Teachers choose to work in a demanding career with very generous personal benefits not matched in the private sector and paid for by taxpayers.

Dr. Richie stated that hard choices must be made if the operating costs referendum does not pass.  Through no fault of their own, millions of people around America have already had hard economic choices forced upon them. 

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


We’re in the 21st century but still operating the 20th century model of education with teachers who choose to work in a demanding career with very generous personal benefits not matched in the private sector and paid for by taxpayers.  Some districts permit retirement at age 58 after 15 years teaching.  Teachers work a shortened work year; enjoy generous vacation time.  Some districts provide generous sick-day policy with roll-over sick days.

For all of those upcoming education referendums this week, PLEASE TAKE ABOUT 20 MINUTES TO BE AN INFORMED VOTER.

Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction - http://reportcards.dpi.wi.gov/
Choose your School Report Card Detail – an 18-page PDF loads up
WI Dept. of In gives EXPECTATIONS but does not list how many students are PERFORMING at grade level.  Too many scores are less that 50%, both statewide and for your own district.
Page 1 – EXPECTATIONS - Look at the state-wide statistics (blue bar chart)
Page 4 – Reading and Math - Advanced – Proficient – Basic - Minimal

This weblink helps interpret WI DPI

It is difficult determine the educational cost per pupil.

TAX DOLLARS SAVED AND COUNTING – Since Act 10 was enacted in 2011, school districts throughout Wisconsin have significantly reduced operating costs saving taxpayers over millions through pension payments from employees and increased health care contributions and plan changes).  That’s a down payment to the taxpayers.  Find how much your school district has saved through Act 10 - http://www.reforms.wi.gov/

Check JS Online for SALARY ON WI PUBLIC TEACHERS – DATA FROM 2011 – 2012 (not the current school year)  Create your own spread sheet to draw your own conclusions.  Separate salaries of teachers from administrative salaries.  Add Salary and Benefits.  What percentage is administrative overhead? - http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/dataondemand/33534649.html

I VERIFY THE RECALL – Who signed? http://iverifytherecall.com/
You can determine if some of your public sector workers signed the petition to recall Gov. Walker.

A few weeks ago National School Choice Week highlighted options available to parents and their children:  Why can’t all of these options be available to ALL children?
Charter schools, vouchers, home schools, private schools.
Free classes on line – Solomon Kahn Academy - http://www.khanacademy.org/
Free college on line – Coursera - https://www.coursera.org/

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com


A Concerned Citizen recently attended a Finance Committee meting – here’s the report: 

Three agenda items that I believe are the most critical were up for discussion and brainstorming only.  No motions were made on them.

1.Wheel Tax
A "wheel tax" is a dollar amount added to your vehicle registration every year.  The State will collect the funds and distribute them to the county for a minimal charge.  Not all committee members were for this, but several were open to the idea and wanted more information as to where the funds would end up and how much money would be potentially collected in a year's time.  One supervisor views this not as a tax, but as a "fee" because everyone does not own a vehicle.  I did scratch my head over that thinking.  Are property taxes not a tax because not everyone owns a home?  

2.County Board Per Diem vs Salary.
Information was handed out showing what other counties do.  Most discussion was around the fact that some Committees meet more often than others, so the idea of salaried Supervisors wasn't agreed upon.  Because of some re-organization and consolidation items that apparently have been in the works for the last two years at the County Committee level, this item will be revisited.  If there is consolidation of Committees and the workload can be more evenly distributed, salaries might be ok.  

3.County Board Committee Individual Budgets.
As of right now there is one budget for the entire Board.  When Committee Members attend seminars and incur expenses, those costs are paid from the general Board budget.  This leaves no way for tracking which Committees might be spending a lot and which Committees may be frugal.  The Finance Committee would like to keep better track of these expenditures.  

There will be more discussion on these three items at the next Finance Committee meeting on March 13, at 9:30 am.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com



Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, was quoted the other day as saying, with a glint in his eye, that the age of liberalism had begun in America.  I don’t often agree with Harry, but this time I think he is right.  Unlike past losses, Republicans will not be able to simply re-craft the debate, double-down on their efforts and retake the government through an orderly election.  It will take an extraordinary fiscal crisis and a great many people seriously hurting before Republicans can even think about tipping the balance of power back in their direction. 

The sixty-year-plus campaign of the liberals to convert our national ideal from “freedom” to “entitlement” was successful in large part because Republicans had become as addicted to power as their colleagues across the aisle.  And, as such, instead of offering enlightened alternatives, they became part of the problem.  Last November 6th was the tipping point, and actions to be taken over the next several years by this administration will cement a reality that can only lead to an Orwellian-like state where government is all and the individual is reduced to a subservient existence.

By the time the Roman Empire fell, slaves outnumbered free citizens, and society had become so corrupt and self-indulgent that nothing remained but rotting gates and crumbling walls.  The German tribes hovering outside had but to push them over and walk through to “conquer” the Roman Empire

America, on the other hand, is a continent unto itself (Mexico hasn’t the strength to invade, and Canada shares our values and depends on our trade).   We may be down, but we are not out, and as long as even a spark of freedom remains in the hearts of Americans, there is hope that we can pick ourselves up, wipe off the dust and begin to slowly but surely rebuild our democracy. 

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention, and when the crisis erupted with England in 1776, men of extraordinary vision and courage emerged to lead and inspire the birth of the most brilliant experiment in representative democracy the world had ever known.  I believe that can and will happen again.  But in the meantime, we must be patient and as prepared as possible for very painful days ahead.  The most constructive use of this time would be to re-inspire ourselves and educate our children in the values and priorities that impassioned the founders more than two hundred years ago.


Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country - northwoodspatriotscomm@gmail.com