Monday, February 4, 2013


God-given rights, man-made anti-rights, and why “safety nets” are immoral
Freedom Outpost – Publius Huldah – 2/4/2013

It is the dogma of our time that proponents of government safety net programs hold the moral high ground. Accordingly, Democrats preen over their own “compassion”; and Republicans chime in that they too “believe in safety net programs”.

But safety net programs are unconstitutional and immoral. They are unconstitutional because “charity” is not one of the enumerated powers of the federal government.1

They are immoral because they are based on a fabricated system of man-made anti-rights which negate the Rights God gave us.

Political Power is FROM The People!

Our Constitution was based on the radical Principle that The People are the original source of political power.  The federal government We created was subject to us.

The only proper function of civil governments is to secure the Rights God gave us.

God given rights: They don’t put us in conflict with each other. When all civil governments do is secure our God given rights – protect us from foreign invaders and domestic criminals and tortfeasers – the People can live together in peace.

So THIS is the gift our Framers gave us in 1787 when they drafted our Constitution. But for the last 100 years, we have been letting this gift slip thru our fingers.

We were seduced into believing that civil government should provide for our needs; and protect us from the risks and uncertainties of Life.

But these beliefs are Evil and Destructive. They destroy Countries and individual Human Souls.

A Government which Provides to Some, must Take from Others

HOW do governments provide for our needs?   They take money from some people by force and give it to other people!

The welfare state isn’t based on “compassion”. The welfare state is based on Envy, Coercion & Theft.   THIS is what has set us at each other’s throats: The misuse of governments to rob some of the People for the benefit of favored groups – the public and private sector unions, businesses owned by Obama fundraisers, and welfare parasites.

Senior citizens were once a favored group, but Seniors will be phased out via Obama’s death panels.

The welfare state with its “safety nets” negates God’s Gift of Liberty, and it violates God’s Laws protecting private property, prohibiting theft, and condemning envy. And when a culture is based on Envy, Coercion and Theft, as ours now is, it is impossible for The People to live in peace with one another.

Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country -

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