Thursday, May 30, 2013


To God, or Not to God
Patriot Update – Rod Bedard Jr. – 5/30-2013

The title is “Tornado in a Junkyard-The Relentless Myth of Darwinism”. I didn’t know what it was about when I cracked it open. Sometimes though, like I said, you get what you need.

The book makes two overall points. First is that there is absolutely no proof to back up even a single example of so-called Evolution. Nothing in the genetics, nothing in the fossil record. The Evolution theory we were taught, Darwinism, is a complete fraud. Darwin himself said there was no actual proof. Even venerable science like carbon dating is, in truth, highly unreliable and based on a heap of assumptions (also not proven) and is now coming under scrutiny. Even the Big Bang is taken apart and shown to be an impossible explanation for the beginning of our universe.

The second point is Creation itself and that we recognize something “created”. A question is posed: If you kick a rock down the road for a million years will it eventually become an arrowhead? That is what Evolution claims for us…that all life came from the same single source…the Big Bang…and we all evolved from bacteria in the “Primordial Soup” and came to be, by chance and time, as we are. All life, with its many differences and complexities all came from one thing. It was all by chance and good luck I guess.

We can see creation and DESIGN in an arrowhead. It is clear that erosion and time and chance didn’t make it but rather it was designed and made. There is just as much proof for Evolution as there is for arrowheads being made by chance, luck and enough time. The book continues with the “science” of Evolution being taken apart especially by scientists! We find that paleontologists, botanists, geologists etc have, in innumerable instances, just made it up, fudged findings, taken poetic license, hidden findings not supportive of the theory and made huge and yet unproven assumptions. In the name of potential fame many have tried to make the evidence fit the theory, not the other way around.

If you question faith and spirituality and God I recommend “Tornado in a Junkyard-The Relentless Myth of Darwinism”. Read it and pass it on to someone you think needs it. It is a stunning slap down to Evolution and it makes total sense! There is always a certain kind of peace to be found in the truth.
Northwoods Patriots - Standing up for Faith, Family, Country -

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