Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Abortion denies upward mobility to the poor, doesn’t combat poverty
Life News – Katie McCann – 8/20/2013

Today, according to the Guttmacher Institute, women with family incomes below the federal poverty level have more than 40% of all abortions—even though they make up 14.5% of America’s women.

These women also have one of the country’s highest abortion rates: 52 abortions per 1,000 women. On the other hand, higher-income women with family incomes at or above 200% of the poverty line have a rate of nine abortions per 1,000 women, which is about half the national rate.

Undoubtedly, some of America’s most vulnerable women and children—the poor—are disproportionately victimized by Big Abortion, a billion-dollar abortion industry lead by Planned Parenthood, the elitist, political giant that makes more than half of its income off of abortions and spreads the myth that it is the only source of health care for poor women.

The willingness to write children off for social and economic reasons only goes to show that the “pro-choice” mentality does not stand for the progress, upward mobility, or potential of the human mind to choose to live beyond the circumstances it is born into. Writing children off for social and economic reasons means writing off the choice to improve their lives. Undoubtedly, “pro-choice” is an unfit title for the movement.

America’s abortion culture introduces an important catch to that answer: In a society where the elitism and classism of the abortion culture holds a significant amount of influence, the American dream is forever beyond reach for thousands of poor babies.

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